Thursday, July 12, 2012

Portuguese Open - End

Well, here we are at the end of another comp. I love that time when you  have downloaded your last task, when there is that huge sense of euphoria that fills you, knowing that you have completed another week of not forgetting to charge all your instruments, not forgotten your water bottle, spare t-shirt, mobile phone, snack, maps, etc etc. It is like a relief. This is when I drive back to where I am staying with a big smile on my face and the music jacked up loud, whooping that there will be a party and fun and prizes distributed amongst the deserving pilots. People are smiling and are happy, there is no stress.
This evening, we had a great dinner, three courses. All portuguese delicacies and a mixture of cold meats, salads, soup, hot meat dishes with rice, roasted suckling port, rice pudding with cinnamon and wine and soft drinks on tap. Music and dancing.
I add also that  it was the first time I had even been twirled, or rather swung around the dance floor to aerobic rock. A pilot from the Azores insisted he show me the moves, all I could do was try to focus on a blurred glimpse of the horizon and bright lights, as he flipped me over and around, to and fro, left and right as if I was a feather weight! I saw them all grinning from the sides lines as Joaun showed off his party piece with his latest "victim"!! Amazing what can do with gravity and a bit of momentum!! Interesting experience and one which I have no doubt will pop up on Facebook at an unexpected moment. Hmmm..

The prizegiving was traditional and full of cheers and congratulations.
After having come in 14th today and 10th yesterday, I had crabbed my way back up the general results and finished ____ overall  in the Open and 2nd Woman, a "podium" and a trophy and a delicious bottle of wine to take home and share.
General results of the comp can be seen here:

So, now I go to bed without having to think about anything :-)
A big thank you to: Steve, my husband and coach and supporter, my family and animals (yeah, I know. Soppy..!) for their understanding at me not being home when I should be, to Ozone, Kortel, and Powerplate Le Secret Thones.

On to Montelegre next in convoy with a group of pilots tomorrow leaving here around midday. But not before a damned good night sleep.  Night night....... over and out from a "fried" but happy pilot.

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