Thursday, July 5, 2012

Pedro Bernardo - 5th July - Task 4

We have finished the task. I got to goal!!! At last...Yeah...... but..... missed by a few metres the turn point in the middle. Distracted by a pinger of a thermal Adrian Thomas had taken, a straight liner in a cloud street, had neither heard nor seen that I had missed the cylinder by a few metres.  Oh dear!
Still, the goal field was nice and welcoming. My reward: were smiles, cheers and congratulations coupled with a cool beer. Naaice :-)
So we are now going through all our theories of how this can happen. How can you miss a turn point, how can you be so distracted as to not notice that one of your GPS's is actually pointing in the opposite direction to where you are flying etc etc.  In all honesty, the more we endure "happy hour", the harder it gets to reach some kind of coherent conclusion, so I will spare you.
In a nutshell, the overruling theory is that I messed up through sheer euphoria of managing to keep up with the gaggle. That was enough for me, so here I sit, enjoying my very large beer and lemonade, grinning like a cheshire cat. After all, it is only a game.... over and out.

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