Friday, June 20, 2014

Belgian Open - Day 5 - Woohooo! Task!

Thursday 19th June

Finally we have a task!
A 47km optimised race to goal. Task committee initially chose an 87km but with the weather announcing 90% cloud cover until late afternoon, there was no option but to cut the K’s and go for the valid task option. The Belgians needed a 1000pt task with only 2 days to go, and to validate their championships, the winner needs a total of 1500pts.

Conditions didn’t look that promising even at the start, and the pace was  sensibly set to half bar by the leading gaggle.

In the beginning the lead gaggle moved slowly but cautiously, maintaining half- just below cloubase, in orer to guarantee a decent glide to the first turnpoint and its return to the ridge in Kobarid.  Finding a weak climb just behind the monument the leaders climbed out in weak lift and left at 1400m to connect with the back ridge and TP2;

From here, the pace speeded up a little, soaring the ridge, sqeezing out lift to clip TP3 and returning by the same route, taking a climb on the nose almost to base befor leaving on the long glide to the TP in the middle of the riverbed between Kobarid and Tolmin.

Gain, returning to the ridge, conditions had by them sharpened up a little, with sunshine making a guest appearance, the leaders pushed on a took a rough climb to glide to TP4 and back before blatting down the ridge towards goal.

The race was on. Those who took two more turns in the final climb cruised into goal with 150m to spare. Two were les fortunate and had to find last minute lift above the river bed which cost them time and several places.


Robert Van de B (sorry for the spelling Robert), first Belgian pilot, Nicole Fedele first Lady.
I came in 7th overall and 2nd Lady.
Happy J
Rendez-vous 8am briefing tomorrow.

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