Sunday, October 28, 2012
French Paragliding Team process vs. our own (blog in english)
If the British were able to finance a similar support and coaching system along the lines of the French, Swiss and Germans, we would stand a better chance of introducing new pilots and potential world champions into our own country's competition paragliding.
Who is our Team Leader?
Where and who is our Competition Coach?
Which person are we wanting to impress both in terms of ability and enthusiasm, to gun for team selection?
I have always been a supporter of team spirit. My convictions are that working together is more productive and more rewarding than individual prowess.
Sure, it's great to win as an individual, but lest we forget that Competition Paragliding is a sport in which you can only come first by using and extracting the best of your competitors' abilities and tactics combined with your own.
Isn't that team work in itself?
GB as a small country and has some great pilots out there. Let's get together, share and reel them in.
28 Octobre - Fin de l'été indien SUMMER ENDS (blog in Eng./Fr.)
Pour se renconforter de la méteo qui est décidamment hivernal, nous avons décidé d'aller soutenir Annecy jouer contre Anglet, Pays Basque, a la Patinoire.
With wintry weather conditions forecast, to console myself I went to watch Annecy Ice-Hockey Team play Anglet, Pays Basque last night in town.
With wintry weather conditions forecast, to console myself I went to watch Annecy Ice-Hockey Team play Anglet, Pays Basque last night in town.
Equipé de gants, bonnet, un thermos de chocco chaud, plus un coussin bien douillet pour mon derrière, j'ai regardé la défaite d'Annecy. Ils se sont assez bien défendu mais ses adversaires avaient une préparation de tactiques bien plus avancé que nous. Une bonne introduction aux conditions hivernal car a la sortie, c'était bien l'hiver!
Manned with hat, gloves, thermos of hot chocolat (yeah, I suffer from the cold!), and a plush cushion for my "derrière", I watched Annecy's defeat, but it was a great introduction to the winter which when I stepped outside, was obviously showing it's colours.
ma petite voiture sous la tempête! |
Hier soir en rentrant, il y avait de la neige sur les routes et n'ayant pas encore mise mes pneus hiver, la montée a la maison était, on va dire plutôt ... intéressante. Et ce matin, encore tempête et les temperatures bien en dessous de zéro, je ne sortira pas avant que ca s'arrête!
Last night on returning home, snow was on the ground and with no winter tyres on the car just yet, the roads were....interesting! And this morning, more snow, high winds and the thought of going outdoors at all with temperatures well below zero, are postponed 'til later.
Le moment est venu de préparer ma voile pour l'hiver et aller farter quelques paires de skis :-)
I think I'll prepare my glider for the winter and go wax some pairs of skis instead :-)
I think I'll prepare my glider for the winter and go wax some pairs of skis instead :-)
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
24 October - Enfin des conditions
Enfin, les conditions qui permettais un petit vol cet après midi.
Plaf a 1300m ou une inversion s'etais installé pour la journée et hélas, restais bien a sa place, un lèger vent de je ne sais-où, du soleil et des couleurs d'autonne, nous avons décolllé de Planfait avec grand joie.
Malgré l'impossibilité de gagner de l'altitude pour un cross, un petit triangle sur Veyrier s'imposait, et pour nous donner un peu de du courage, de tout petits cumulus se formait juste au dessus le déco,
Quelques fans de parapente en l'air aussi, profitant de cette belle après-midi, et hop, une heure passé dans les airs et au calm au dessus du Lac d'Annecy. Du pure bonheur.
Demain la météo annonce un changement de temps, alors peut etre aujourd'hui était notre dernière chance avant l'hiver. Bien sur, j'espere le contraire.
Plaf a 1300m ou une inversion s'etais installé pour la journée et hélas, restais bien a sa place, un lèger vent de je ne sais-où, du soleil et des couleurs d'autonne, nous avons décolllé de Planfait avec grand joie.
Malgré l'impossibilité de gagner de l'altitude pour un cross, un petit triangle sur Veyrier s'imposait, et pour nous donner un peu de du courage, de tout petits cumulus se formait juste au dessus le déco,
Quelques fans de parapente en l'air aussi, profitant de cette belle après-midi, et hop, une heure passé dans les airs et au calm au dessus du Lac d'Annecy. Du pure bonheur.
Demain la météo annonce un changement de temps, alors peut etre aujourd'hui était notre dernière chance avant l'hiver. Bien sur, j'espere le contraire.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Petite histoire de Rêves de pilote - Dreams of being a pilot
Tout a commence a l'age de 4 ans.
Les souvenirs de voyages pour visiter la famille en Angleterre, mon visage toujours scotché aux grands parois vitrés des salles d'attente dans les aéroports. Des heures passés à regarder décoller et attérir les avions a l'époque ou il fallait être surplice 3hrs avant le départ du vol!.
Je me souviens de la vibration des vitres et ce bruit tonnère des moteurs de Boeings, la rapidité des hélices qui tournaient formant une sphère d'acier.
Et là, je montre mon age car c'était l'époque ou les aéroports de nos jours étaient encore a taille humaine. Pas de longs couloires menant aux satellites, mais juste une énorme salle d'embarquement pour tout le monde, et l'activité et sur les pistes et l'animation sur le goudron se voyait de très près.
Quelques années passent...
Ete 1980, un ami de mon père me fait faire un petit tour de la campagne anglaise dans son Open 2-places. Nous avons décollé dans un champ de course de chevaux et attéri dans un champ de vaches! Après 20 minutes de bonheur, le moteur se mets a tousser en répétition. Je m'inventait histoire d'une aventurière qui a du attérir en urgence au milieu du desert mais qui a pu s'echapper des flammes juste a temps.... J'ai appris bien plus tard qu'effectivment, nous aurions pu se scratché, mais le bonhumeur et attitude positive anglo-saxon reigne, the show must go on, et tout va bien.... !! Grande sourire de gamine.
Printemps 1986, un vol scénique lors de ma premiere saison passées dans les alpes. Un ami m'emene pour flanner a Annecy (étrange liaison, ne sachant pas a l'époque que des années plus tard je m'y installerai!). Décollage et attérissage terrifiant mais glorieux depuis l'altiport de Courchevel. Grande sourire d'adolscente.
En Novembre 2008, voyage de Annecy a Venise en VIP :-) en jet Citation 6 places. Wow! Radio communication avec les tours de controle, carte aeriennes et tableaux de bord lumineux incitant la curiosité même aux moindres non-intéressés.
Un casque avec micro, ceintures croissés, les switches et les boutons a n'en pas finir et tout est éléctronique, un Boeing en petit modèle, quoi. C'est le Top! Grande sourire d'adulte!
Et voila, je me lance et j'essaye ...
Ete 2006 - la découverte du parapente et beaucoup de vol bi-places avec mon copain au dessus du Lac d'Annecy. Les premiers vols se passent bien. Les suivants vont de bien en moins bien. Stressée aux décollages avec hyper-ventilation, neanmoins, une fois dans l'air tout va très bien. Et puis a l'atterissage la meme chose. L'impression que le sol viens a nous trop vite, je me trouve en plein action physique entrain de repousser le sol avec mes mains devant moi. Hmm. Et puis les vols suivants, le stresse monte en l'air et je ne peux plus supporter d'être passager. A l'approche des falaises, je respire trop fort, voir couper ma respiration complement jusqu'a ce que nous avons commencé a enrouler les thermiques. Mais puis, ensuite, c'est le mal d'air qui m'aggripe...! Ahlala...Bon, il est temps que j'apprenne a maitriser moi meme pour combattre ma peur en saisissant le torro par ses cornes.
En Mai 2011, un vol en planneur sur le Long Mynd au Pays de Galle.
Catapulté dans l'air comme une pois-chiche sur une élastique, j'ai trouvé l'expérience bruitant et "tappe-cul". Tout vibrait pendant qu'on traversait l'air, cherchant les thermiques legerement en travers sur les ligne droite au dessus des collines, et a plus de 70km/hr, avant de pouvoir enrouler - une sensation de roller-coaster aux Jardins des Tuilleries, je m'entassais et decollais sans cesse de mon siège. Pas pour moi, neanmoins le "highlight" était un 360° en "loop-the-loop" au dessus du Club Aerien de Long Mynd.
En Juin 2011, pendant un taxi-vol depuis le Cornouaill, Grande Bretagne, Airways m'a donné le vrai gout de devenir pilote d'avion.
Mon rêve ultime |
Ce magnifique petit avion "jet" aver son cockpit spacieux de 4 sièges baquet et un tableau de bord a en rêver.
Alors en Novembre 2011 j'ai pris mes premières pas en tant que pilote d'avion, lors d'une matinée passée a l'aéroport d'Annecy. Premier cours d'initiation PPL dans un Robin 4-places. Moins luxieux, certes, mais beaucoup plus "proche" en tant que sensations avec l'espace de l'air autour de soi.
Super sensations et un moment de reflexion a savoir quand et comment est ce que je vais trouver le temps de passer mon PPL. Vos idées sont le bienvenu... :-)
Friday, October 19, 2012
Winter Sun, Sea and Wind - Mer, Soleil, Vent d'hiver
So I'm thinking about getting some winter sun before the skiing season kicks in. Having been introduced to Egypt many years ago, it has become a regular destination and I love the place.
Up north in Cairo you get the feel of the bussling mayhem of the city, mid country at Aswaan and the Nile you delve into the farming working way of life, horseriding and beautiful lush countryside, down south you get the tourist (inevitably in their flocks but fortunately concentrated into luxury resorts!), the desert and the Bedouins, and the beautiful ocean with warm waters, deep sea diving and kitesurfing.
In the meantime, Europe's trees are shedding their leaves either from heavy wind and rain or the first crisp frosts. Temperatures plummet and our mountains become snow-capped and eventually are disguised under a thick blanket of winter-white.
Food for thought.
Kite Junkies (, Nabq Bay 10 mins from Sharm el Sheikh airport offers great packages and Ozone kites, tuition, rental etc... in a fantastic bay blowing cross-onshore every day :-)
check them out on Facebook or on their website for live-cam on conditions and then book a cheapie-cheapie with easyjet to Sharm to maintain your fitness level and have some darned good fun.
Up north in Cairo you get the feel of the bussling mayhem of the city, mid country at Aswaan and the Nile you delve into the farming working way of life, horseriding and beautiful lush countryside, down south you get the tourist (inevitably in their flocks but fortunately concentrated into luxury resorts!), the desert and the Bedouins, and the beautiful ocean with warm waters, deep sea diving and kitesurfing.
In the meantime, Europe's trees are shedding their leaves either from heavy wind and rain or the first crisp frosts. Temperatures plummet and our mountains become snow-capped and eventually are disguised under a thick blanket of winter-white.
Food for thought.
Kite Junkies (, Nabq Bay 10 mins from Sharm el Sheikh airport offers great packages and Ozone kites, tuition, rental etc... in a fantastic bay blowing cross-onshore every day :-)
check them out on Facebook or on their website for live-cam on conditions and then book a cheapie-cheapie with easyjet to Sharm to maintain your fitness level and have some darned good fun.
20 October - Pratiques sportives de la FFVL
Whilst drinking my morning brew of strong coffee and cream, I came across this video made for the FFVL (Fédération Française de Vol Libre), French Flying Federation, and thought how beautifully peaceful it makes out sports look, how we have so many ways of playing with the wind, and how lucky we are to have learned to do this in our lifetime.
I wanna go flying......
I wanna go flying......
19 October - Security in Flight by Russel Ogden
A recent video taken of Russ' talk in the US during the Open Distance XC Championships earlier this year.
Listen, Look, Learn, Enjoy.
1-3 October Saint Andre les Alpes
As conditions became windy and wet in the Northern Alps, I headed south to try to catch some late season conditions. Unfortunately strong winds in St André prevailed so we headed off to St Vincent les Forts on the Tuesday 2nd.
There had been snow with the recent rain storm on the Monday and autumn temperatures had kicked in, big time. With a low 6°C we headed off towards St Vincent les Forts in search of some better conditions. Snow capped mountains followed us on our journey. Autumn is here.
But regardless of the temperatures, manned with hand warmers and 5 layers of clothing, at this time of the year anything is good enough to get my IP6 out of the bag. Still loving it and waiting for some pictures from prove it!
If you have any photos of me flying/launching my Niviuk Icepeak6, please send them. Thanks :-)
Dormiouse and La Blanche under snow |
But regardless of the temperatures, manned with hand warmers and 5 layers of clothing, at this time of the year anything is good enough to get my IP6 out of the bag. Still loving it and waiting for some pictures from prove it!
If you have any photos of me flying/launching my Niviuk Icepeak6, please send them. Thanks :-)
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Europeans Paragliding Championships 2012 - paragliding launches 6th Day
I made this little video and had forgotten to put it online of the 6th race-day take-offs. An amusing way to take film the gliders launching and interesting to note that even in the benign conditions that day, these race gliders are a handful to launch at times.
The short movie was filmed from the Southern Chalvet take-off at about 12h45pm.
Rather fun to watch, nevertheless.
The short movie was filmed from the Southern Chalvet take-off at about 12h45pm.
Saint Hilaire Flight Festival
As every year, flight enthusiasts from all over the world flock to the air festival to see everything and everyone they need to under the same roof over a long weekend.
This year, the weather was fair although not as generous as last year. At least we were not wallowing around in mud as has been the case in previous years!
I spent my time catching up with flying friends and sponsors on the Friday, and for the first year my other half and I parted company to spend time on different manufacturer's stands. He with Ozone, me with Niviuk
Icaro managed to put together my new made-to-measure flying helmet on the spot for me, with various requested specifications, notably the size and visor. Obviously, and as is so often the case in this sport, paragliding companies just don't cater much for girls, but Icaro came up trumps. Grazie Mille Icaro!
I was delighted to meet up with Dominique Cizeau from Niviuk and had a great chat with him, as with other members of the Niviuk Team, Joel Debons and Maxime Bellemin from ABAC in addition.
Thank you to everyone on the Niviuk stand for giving me such a warm welcome :-)
Nice to see Mike at the Ozone stand too. No hard feelings, and I am sure that they have a cracking season ahead of them, albeit feeling the pressure from the recent performance of the Icepeak6's.
Columbia and the Superfinal will tell.
This year, the weather was fair although not as generous as last year. At least we were not wallowing around in mud as has been the case in previous years!
I spent my time catching up with flying friends and sponsors on the Friday, and for the first year my other half and I parted company to spend time on different manufacturer's stands. He with Ozone, me with Niviuk
Icaro managed to put together my new made-to-measure flying helmet on the spot for me, with various requested specifications, notably the size and visor. Obviously, and as is so often the case in this sport, paragliding companies just don't cater much for girls, but Icaro came up trumps. Grazie Mille Icaro!
Icaro making my new helmet |
I was delighted to meet up with Dominique Cizeau from Niviuk and had a great chat with him, as with other members of the Niviuk Team, Joel Debons and Maxime Bellemin from ABAC in addition.
Thank you to everyone on the Niviuk stand for giving me such a warm welcome :-)
Nice to see Mike at the Ozone stand too. No hard feelings, and I am sure that they have a cracking season ahead of them, albeit feeling the pressure from the recent performance of the Icepeak6's.
Columbia and the Superfinal will tell.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Team Niviuk Pilot Profile
I've been absent for a while, waiting patiently for some promising sky to enjoy early autumn conditions.
St Andre didn't hold much and Annecy has been super stable with low valley cloud for a good few weeks.
However, I've been busy with Niviuk after St Hilaire Paragliding festival, and my Team Niviuk pilot profile is almost complete and ready to post to the Niviuk website.
I should be visiting Niviuk UK in the next few days, so watch this spot for pictures of the great encounter!
Bye for now...
St Andre didn't hold much and Annecy has been super stable with low valley cloud for a good few weeks.
However, I've been busy with Niviuk after St Hilaire Paragliding festival, and my Team Niviuk pilot profile is almost complete and ready to post to the Niviuk website.
I should be visiting Niviuk UK in the next few days, so watch this spot for pictures of the great encounter!
Bye for now...
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